Sermon New Years Eve


Rev. Arturo Mendez

St. Matthew Lutheran Church of Westfield.


Author: Philip Nicolai (1556-1608) He Ranks as one of the most Zealous defenders of the Orthodox Lutheran Doctrine in the Sixteen century. He accepted His Pastorate call in a Town of Unna also in Westphalia in 1596 when they were also in the Midst of a epidemic. 

Nicolai was working also in a consolatory book Mirror of the joys of Eternal Life  and was published in 1599 the book was theme in the passage of Romans 8:18  for I consider that the sufferings of this  present time are not worth comparing that the Glory that is to be revealed to us. He took over 400 pages to said what Paul said in a single sentence.

 Philip Nicolai also was writing four Hymns all of those refereed to Bridegroom getting ready for the Lord. The First one is well known as “ O Morning Star how fair and Bright”, the second one was “Wake, awake, for night is flying” the third one was farewell to the world by a soul bound for Heaven, and the fourth. By  Philipp’s younger Brother Jeremias. Deal with the joys of eternal life. We see here a thematic progression: in the first Hymn, which introduces the idea of Jesus as the Heavenly Bridegroom, the Soul Yearns for heaven; in the Second, the soul greet the Bridegroom as he arrives for the wedding feast; in the Third, it leaves behind the sufferings of earth to experience, in the Fourth Hymn, the joys of Paradise.


The Theme of ‘Wake awake, foe night is flying” is getting in the text of Matthew 25:1-13


Stanza 1 “Wake, awake, for night is flying,”
The watchmen on the heights are crying; “Awake, Jerusalem, arise!” 

Midnight hears the welcome voices And at the thrilling cry rejoices: “Oh, where are ye, ye virgins wise? The Bridegroom comes, awake! Your lamps with gladness take! Alleluia! 

With bridal care Yourselves prepare To meet the Bridegroom, who is near.” 

In this Hymn Opens with a watchmen high on a battlements of a castle Shouthing “Awake awake Jerusalem” just as they would  do if the city were being invaded. But this shouts it is mor a Joyful Shout  for the Bridegroom of Matthew 25:1-13.

And it is also a calling to us to be awake, to be ready for the Bridegroom to have our lamps full of oil and be wise for the arrive of the Groom to meet her Bride, for the ones who has empty their lamps  because of getting fall asleep in their sins and Rejected the word of the Lord for being foolish, when the Bridegroom arrive, them will be found asleep and when them wake up it will be to late because the Door of the Banquet feast it will be close. So REJOICE and give Shouths of Alleluias, because  Our Lord Jesus Christ has giving us that security on Him, because of His Perfect Life without Sin, He Fulfill the law perfectly for us, because we cannot do it, He has seal us with the waters of the Holy Baptism and He makes us His own, He has Clean us and robe us with the garments of Sanctification, when the Word of the Lord is Proclaimed the Holy Spirit fill our hearts and souls, and by the confession and absolution our Lord is given the forgiveness of all of our Sins, Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom who is ready to take the Bride, the Whole church all the Believers are the ones who has there lamps full of Oil, getting ready for the groom, and we can rejoice and shout Alleluias to the Lord.

Stanza 2; 

Zion hears the watchmen singing, And all her heart with joy is springing; She wakes, she rises from her gloom. For her Lord comes down all-glorious, The strong in grace, in truth victorious; Her star is ris’n, her light is come. Now come, Thou Blessèd One, Lord Jesus, God’s own Son, Hail! Hosanna! We enter all The wedding hall To eat the Supper at Thy call. 

Zion is rejoicing she’s awake from the gloom, the Lord comes Down all glorious, Our Lord Jesus Christ, came down from Heaven the Word of the Lord became a Flesh with the Son of God, all His Glory is in Him 100% Men and 100% God, His Grace is upon us because he has given us His life in ramson of  all our Sinfulness, with His Victory in the Cross died for us and resurrected the third day, His victory of His Life is now ours by FAITH in Him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, this Light now shines in us with His Beautiful Grace and Mercy. The blessed one the son of God became flesh for all of us and give his life in the Cross for all Believers an none Believers and we Thanks God by his Mercy He has Found us and forgiving us and now we are part of His Kingdom and Hail Hosannas!! To our Lord now we can partake of the Lords Supper at the wedding feast in Heaven for all the Eternity, to God be the Glory!!!

Stanza 3  

Now let all the heav’ns adore Thee, Let saints and angels sing before Thee With harp and cymbals’ clearest tone. Of one pearl each shining portal, Where, joining with the choir immortal, We gather round Thy radiant throne. No eye has seen the light, No ear has heard the might Of Thy glory; Therefore will we Eternally Sing hymns of praise and joy to Thee! 

All the Heavens, Saints and Angels are singing before Thee with Harp and in this final Stanza is giving us the picture of that day when we meet our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We are going to Singing Hymns of Praise and Glory to Our God and Father, we all were gathered in the around the Throne of God with angles and Archangels and all the Saints singing praise of Glory, we are joining the immortal Choir  in Heaven, no eyes has seen the light, No ear has Heard the Might of Thy Glory. Jesus Christ has been doing this for us He has been prepared a Final Banquet in the Kingdom of Heaven. He has already being paid in the Cross all our transgression to God the Father, he has giving us His Life and has wrapped us with cloths of Righteousness and now we are His own by Faith in Him. We are secure in his arms getting ready for the Bridegroom when he call His Bride. Lets keep our Faith in Him. Giving Thanks to the Lord and singing Hymns of Praise. When we are gathered whit Him all our Shouts of Glory and Joy will be to Thee. For the God’s Glory Amen!!


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