Rev. Arturo Mendez
St. Matthew Lutheran Church of Westfield
Lent 03-10-2021
Mid Week 4 Hymn Preaching #823
Hymn was written by Dr. Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Was translated by Richard Massie, in the (1800- 87 ) and sung in two different Tunes, one which is Hymn #823 Deus Misereatur,Magdegburg 1524, and Hymn tune Version #824 was written by Dr Martin Luther and Tune by David Lee. 1956.
Martin Luther express the wish in his Latin mass (Formula Missae,1523) that “We had as many songs as possible in the vernacular which the people could sing during mass.” The same year He wrote several paraphrases of biblical psalms, including psalm 12, and 14, which are no longer sung; psalm 130(‘From depths of woe I cry to Thee.” LSB 607);and this Hymn, Paraphrase of psalm 67, Luther’s Paraphrase served as both example and catalyst toward the goal of providing German Songs for the Congregation.
He likely wrote the paraphrase psalm. 67 in late 1523. Since the text first appears appended to the end. Of paul Speratus 1524 German translation of the Formula Missae. On May 6,1524. A man was arrested in MagdeBurg for singing Luther's versifications of psalm 67 and 130 and selling copies of them It is possible that the earliest surviving copy of Luther's. psalm with music, a broadsheet with the tittle Der Lxjv, Deus Misereatur printed in Magdeburg in 1524, was one of the Sold.
The Hymn it is a close Paraphrase of Psalm 67, With each Hymn Stanza paraphrasing two Psalm verses verse 5 of The Psalm is omitted because it is a repeat of verse 3.
Ok this is a little brief of Hymn. Back ground.
Stanza 1: May God bestow on us His grace, With blessings rich provide us;
And may the brightness of His face
To life eternal guide us,
That we His saving health may know, His gracious will and pleasure,
And also to the nations show
Christ’s riches without measure
And unto God convert them.
Its is a Plea to God to “Bestow in Us His Grace” Since the Beginning of the Creation God has Bestow His grace upon Us His Creation, Adam and Eve was being given all the Grace from God our Father, living they’re lives without sin and can enjoy of life in the garden of Eden, God was given to them the earth to live and rule over the Animals of the world and to eat all the Fruits of the Trees according of each kind, but only from one of those trees cannot eat of the Fruit of the life, wisdom and Knowledge, the Sinfulness came to the world by the disobedience of the Word of God by Eve when the devil one came to her an lie about the tree of life, Eve eat of the fruit committing sin to God, and because of that disobedience eternal Dead came to all human being, since that Day, our sinful condition as human being is always to rejected the gifts and blessings from God our Father ,but the Grace of God is always upon us, God was made a covenant to send a Savior of the World from the eternal dead and sin, because of one man came the Sin of the world also by one man Jesus Christ, the life eternal come trough Him alone by His dead on the Cross and His Resurrection, giving us His life by faith in Him God our Father Bestow His Grace upon us by His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, and all His gifts and Blessings are been provided by Him, His Face Shine upon over us, God our Father has given us the Word and the Sacraments to provide to us all His Mercy and Grace, when we are being Baptized, God Trough the Water of Holy Baptism He Clean us ang Give us His Forgiving Pardon from Our Sinful condition, our names are now written in the Book of Life, when the Word of God is Proclaimed and we hear, our hearts are transformed by the Words of the Law and Gospel and The Holy Spirit Steer in us in Faith, God by His Grace upon us is Giving us the forgiveness of sins by His Son Jesus Christ, when we partake the Holy Supper, God is Guiding us to Him as a foretaste of Heaven, Strengthen us in Faith, to keep proclaiming to others the riches Blessings of the Word of God, by His redeemer Mercy and to all the Nations be will know the Only one True God to convert them by His Grace upon ourselves proclaimed in His Word.
Stanza 2: Thine over all shall be the praise And thanks of ev’ry nation;
And all the world with joy shall raise The voice of exultation.
For Thou shalt judge the earth, O Lord, Nor suffer sin to flourish;
Thy people’s pasture is Thy Word Their souls to feed and nourish,
In righteous paths to keep them.
Every Nation of the world shall praise the Lord of Heaven the Kings of Kings and giving Thanks because His Mercy it is upon in us, by His Only begotten Son Jesus Christ who died in the Cross for all of us in al times and all places the whole world shall raise the voice of exultation and Joy, with Praise of Glory and Hosannas to the Lord, let us rejoice in His Grace because our sins are already forgiven by Jesus Christ, we are no longer condemn to eternal Dead, He has giving us His Life by Faith in Him alone, the earth shall be judge the ones who has been rejected the Gifts and Blessings from Goud our Father and His Son Jesus Christ, all of them shall suffer the eternal dead in Hell because had not believe in the Word of God and His Son Jesus Christ, and into His redeem Grace upon in all the world, let us rejoice and sign praises to the Lord He Guide us in His green Pastures as a good shepherd lead his flock, by His Word He feed us and Nourish our souls what a beautiful “Gift of Mercy had God Bestow in us” that all believers can walk on paths of righteousness by the Gift of eternal life in Heaven by His Son Jesus Christ, Let us rejoice and raise our voice of exultation to Our Heavenly Father.
Stanza 3: O let the people praise Thy worth, In all good works increasing;
The land shall plenteous fruit bring forth, Thy Word is rich in blessing.
May God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit bless us!
Let all the world praise Him alone, Let solemn awe possess us.
Now let our hearts say, “Amen!”
We praise thee with joy and thanksgiving with good works God Help us to do so without Him all our Works are in vain, so God trough the Holy Spirit are helping us to work in Faith and love to others to bring good fruits, the fruits of blessings and Mercy by God upon His People, Jesus Christ it is with us all the time in all places His proclaiming Word is bringing the good fruits of Faith to all the Nations His Word is Rich in Blessings, when we hear the gift of Forgiveness proclaim trough the word of absolution it is the “Grace of God Bestow in Us” by Faith the riches blessings of His Word, when it is given the Aaron’s Blessing upon us saying Num. 6:24–26.
24 The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
27 “So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them.” [1]
We believers are the New Israel we are the people of God His Children’s The Chosen Ones the Holy Nation, by His redeemed Grace, The Blessing’s upon Us are riches in Mercy, thanks be to God because He has Loved Us so much that He Has given Us His Son Jesus Christ to redeemed us and forgives us, His Righteousness are our righteousness the wrath of God is no longer with His redeemed children’s by Faith in His Son Jesus Christ, all the world praise Him Alone, so now all our hearts will said Amen!!
And Singing Praises to The Lord Our God the Father, God The Son and to God the Holy Spirit, one Triune God forever and Ever.
Because “His Grace it is Upon bestow in Us” to God be all the Glory!
May the peace of God who trespasses all understanding keep our hearts and mind in Life everlasting Amen!
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