Rev. Arturo Mendez
Sermon Text: John 14:1-6
Sermon Theme: “I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life”
! He is Risen!! Peace and grace from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with all of You Amen!
What would you do when you have to travel some place, where you never being before ?
At least you grab a Map and trying to figure it out the best way to travel, or now a little better we had our GPS to be able to follow the instructions and find the best way to travel and arrive to our destination and don’t get lost in our way.
Once again we hear the declaration of Jesus towards his Disciples in the account of John, where he declares "I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life" and he is also declaring to all of us his Disciples that he is the right way, that we must follow Him, as not to get lost and to be able to reach our final destination safely, Which is our final destination? Heaven Right ? so he want us to don’t get loss. And he Tell us "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; [a] believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? [b] 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. Many times as human beings, we find ourselves lost in the way we are traveling called life, and we get lost because we want to take our own way, a route that may not be the best and We can lose the right path to reach our destination, but we do it, simply because we trust in our own knowledge and think it is the best way, but our sins limit us to taking the right path, is it like driving blindly, could we drive blindly? I do not think so, it is to dangerous, but it is what we do, when we refuse to follow the route that is already established so as not to get lost, because we say, let me take another route and we deviate and lose the course of the road that will certainly make us reach our destination, that is why Jesus tells us once again " I Am the Way the Truth and the Life, to be able to returns us to the right path, so as not to lose the way and to be able to reach our final destination that is Eternal life, that’s why He tells us "Let not your Hearts be troubled, Believed in God: also Believed in Me “When we face Anguish Jesus invites us to Trust in Him, the disciples of Jesus were anguished because they did not understand what the Final Destination was or rather what way to follow, but Jesus tells them and tells ourselves when we find ourselves in anguish and believe that we have lost the Way, Reminds us that if we have believed in God, we believe in Him in the same way because He is God Jesus Himself, and He tells us "I Am the Way the Truth and the Life" sadly when we navigate blindly on the road, we lose our destiny, it is as if we drive a vehicle without Light on a Dark and Uncertain road, and even worse without a map to follow, or in this times a Gps. Jesus tells us Today, I , encourage you, do not be anguish, in your hearts, do not get lost in the way of life, he said to His disciples, and tell us today to us, I have to go to prepare a Place for you, that Beautiful gift Offers us Christ, assures us that He have to leave, to the house of His Father, where there are many Rooms, or Space, in other gospels tells us Home, a Home where we can live Eternally, that is what Jesus promises us in his Departure, in that Departure that he had to Make by giving his Life on the Cross as a Human sacrifice for all of us, the Death on the Cross to be able to pay the Price of our Eternal Death in the lake of fire, and to be able to satiate the Wrath of God the Father towards all Humanity because of Our Sins, that's why Jesu Us reaffirms one more time "I Am the Way the Truth and the Life" because certainly He Is, but It also tells us I am going to return and I am going to take you with me, so that, where I am, you are also be with Me, DO WE REALLY UNDERSTAND THIS? WHERE I AM YOU MAY ALSO BE WITH ME, LIVE WITH ME, MAY YOU LIVE WITH ME, Christ Died for all of us and His death is our Death.
But rejoice now and let us rejoice in Our Hearts, Because Jesus is RISEN, JESUS IS RISEN!! And now also His resurrection is Our Resurrection only through Faith in Him, let us ask God Our Father that through His Holy Spirit stir our Hearts In repentance through our unbelieve and that He can Move us Forward into the right Way which is Jesus Christ His Son The Great I am, because He is God Incarnated because He is the only Way to Follow and never miss the Route, because He tell us The Truth in His Word Which is Proclaimed trough the means of Grace, He always Remind us Our Baptism, He gave us, His Forgiveness Trough the Confession and absolution, and we can Partake of the Lord Supper, we eat and Drink of Him, He became part of our Body and Soul, He is Attached to Us with His Holy Spirit, who dwells in our hearts, and that thanks to the Gift of Faith, we can live Confident, that we follow the true way to eternal life.
4 And you know the way to where I am going.”[c] 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Maybe many people act like Thomas, who do not know where they are going, since they do not know the way, and they get lost, He do not understand what Jesus said, and so it is in the world Today, many People today do not understand what Jesus offers us, remember that Tomas doubted when Jesus had Risen, and he mention until I see I not believe, so there are many people still, blinded by the unbelief of God, and even more towards his Son Jesus, God incarnate, but there is a great Hope for all those, who are like Thomas, Jesus tells them and reminds us, also as his Disciples "I Am the Way the Truth and the Life" And that no one can reach the Father except by Him, what does this mean? He himself is giving us the key, He is affirming us FOLLOW ME, BELIEVE IN ME THE ONE WHO FOLLOWS ME AND THE ONE WHO BELEIEVED IN ME WILL NEVER BE LOST, BECAUSE "I AM" THE ONLY WAY, "I AM" THE ONLY ABSOLUTE TRUTH TO WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, AND WAY BETTER HE STILL, TELLS US ALSO "I AM" LIFE!!
UFFF Can you see all this? There is no more Light, it is so clear, there is no other map so well drawn than to follow Jesus, because certainly in Him we never, we will get lost, and what better way to Follow !!
The Great "I Am" affirms to us once again that Jesus Is God Himself incarnate, and that the Only One who can offer LIFE is God, since He is the CREATOR OF LIFE ITSELF, what greatest gift we have in Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior, He has the Power of Life and Death, God the Father has given his only Son Jesus in Human sacrifice, so that He would Die on the Cross for all Our sins and Transgressions Towards God the Father, let us always pray to Our Lord, who will always give us the Strength, so that we can also be a Living Example that Jesus Dwells in Our Hearts, and that at the same time we can Guide those who do not find the Way, and to be able to bring them to the Right Way, with Love and care, as Jesus Himself Has Done with Us, let us live our lives, as an Example of true Disciples of Christ, because He has given us His Life on the Cross so that we and all those who believe in Him may also have that gift of Eternal Life, for Salvation by the Gift of Faith only in Christ Jesus can we find the True Way, and Eternal Life.
Because Christ Jesus tells us “I Am the Way, and the Truth, and The Life “
To God be the Glory in His Son Jesus Christ Amen!
He IS RISEN !! Amen !!
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