Sunday July 31 2022


Sermon Text: Luke 12:13-21


Sermon Theme: Where is Your Richness?



     I would like to as you something, what about If you inherit Properties. And a lot of money. From your aunt Karlota Who lives in London? What would you do if you receive all of that wellness? What about if you became a rich Person.? Or I will say a billionaire. Probably you will buy so many things. So many properties. If you had kids. You will pay they’re education. Etc..

You will probably don't be worried. About the situations. Of your life. Other thing probably you will be traveling a lot. Enjoying your heritage?

What about? If you have. To give this heritage. To your kids. And then we'll fight against that. Of what is what of his possessions.? This Question was made to Jesus.



     Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” But he said to him, “Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?” And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”


    This rich man Said to Jesus. Please help me. And tell my brother to divide his inheritance. With me. But Jesus replied to him. Who made me a judge, or arbitrator over you? Jesus indeed. He is our arbitrator. Over the father, who is in heaven. And Is. Our. Judge. As God. this person who asks to Jesus, unfortunately. Don't understand. Who was Jesus? He was totally confused He taught as a teacher Jesus will help him to intervene for him with his brother. The only thing this person want, it’s a favor from Jesus, He totally misunderstood Thisman’s personal question it was a personal favor and this it was the most important thing for him and not the teaching of Jesus. As lawyers the rabbis assumed authority to judge and to adjudicate in disputes of the kind here presented, so this man wanted to use the authority of Jesus to his personal possessions interest by bringing him into the dispute with his brother. Whether his brother was holding the entire inheritance for himself 

How many times we act Like this person? We're asking Jesus to intercede for us. In certain things. That is not the most important. since they are material things money proprieties etc. and not by this, I meaning that these things are not valuable, but surely require to call the attention of Jesus to intervene? I think no, for Jesus this material possessions not make sense, so he responds with a certain rudeness to this person who has stopped him, because this person would think that, if he would ask to Jesus to do it  he will make a justice over him and would have a just response from Jesus before his Brother and his Inheritance, as the rabbis of that time did. 

If this person had stopped Jesus to ask him another Question that had to do with the Spiritual, Jesus of course would have stopped with all Authority he would have answered according to this question, as he did with the person who asked him Master what I must Do to Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven? We see here the different interventions of people when they approach to Christ, in what kind of intention we go to Crist to ask for intervention? Are we like the person who only stopped him to ask to intervene in his earthly Inheritance? Or we are like the other person who stops and asks Jesus about the Heritage in Heaven. Of course, we are both because both are sinners like us as well. But for Jesus the most important is the Heritage of the Heaven, which of the two are most valuable to Us? The earthly heritage or the Spiritual? Obviously, our sinful nature always tends to seek for the earthly things, for our Wealth of this world, instead of worrying about the Spiritual Richness that Christ offers through his Sacrifice on the Cross for all of us Sinners. So where is our Richness then?


Let’s see what Christ has too said to His Disciples and to us as well.


And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.” ’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”


Jesus teaches them with this parable to their disciples as well to us, as a human beings we always tend to worry too much about material richness, of this world offers to us, and we worry about working so hard to be able to obtain material things, from this world and to be able to accumulate richness, and we focus so much on these things,  that we lose the value of what is most important in life, certainly, these things are necessary to live, but is it really the most important thing for our life? This is what at the end will really bring to us Happiness?  We really waste a lot of time working so hard to be able to accumulate our earthly  richness, and look , I am not saying that this is bad, on the contrary it is wise to be able to have a certain financial freedom to be able to live and to be able to live our old age with dignity  and have the necessary things for it, as long as this is not the most important thing for us,  as Jesus teaches us in his parable, thus is it not the most important to accumulate riches , of this world, if we do not know certainly if we are going to live  in our old age, certainly we do not know how long we are going to live on this earth, and if we put in the first instance the material things, as our priority, we are lost, that is fool  to accumulate that material richness if we are losing our Spiritual wealth?  that is not the most important thing, as Jesus  teach us with his Parable, what it’s the use  to accumulate wealth, if our soul is totally poor, if we do not fear any Spiritual Wealth, so certainly Jesus did not stop to intervene in these material things that have no value for what really matters, the wealth of having eternal life,  and this wealth only comes from God, through his Son Jesus, through his sacrifice on the Cross in order to grant all of us the most valuable inheritance that you can ever imagine, not even with. All the Gold and Silver of the World we can be able to obtain it, we cannot pay with anything that sacrifice that Christ has done on the Cross for love of all of us his Heirs, and that We can be accretors of that inheritance, when we hear his word proclaimed to all of us. And  that word that has been proclaimed, reaches the deepest of people's hearts and can transform their lives and that word of Love and Forgiveness that Christ alone offers is treasured in the hearts of the listeners, it is only there where is our, True Wealthiness,  Our richness is  in Christ, in what He has offered us as Inheritance, and this Inheritance is eternal Life in Heaven together with him and the Father, and through his Holy Spirit, He help us to understand that, this is the most important thing to inherit, that helps us to transform our heart and change our mentality that accumulating material riches is not the most important thing of the Life, but rather the Richness of Eternal Life in Christ Jesus Our Lord, Christ loves us abundantly and his richness endures forever, he offers us abundance in Eternal life, when we have been brought into the waters of Baptism there , He has certainly already given us the most rewarding inheritance of forgiving our sins of washing away our Guilt, through baptism and making us accretors of being his Children,  now our name is written in the book of life, and we are heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, When we confess our sins, before God the Father, Christ has already bought us the Forgiveness of our sins on the Cross, he has given us the Inheritance of forgiving our sins before the Father, when we hear the words of the pastors that,  Our sins have been forgiven,  that greater inheritance We can obtain, and that inheritance will never be lost, it is the gift and  guaranteed for all eternity, that is our greatest Inheritance, that we can ever imagine, which is more valuable than all the gold and silver of the world, which is the forgiveness of Our sins, through the sacrifice on the Cross of our Lord Jesus,  do we really give the value of what this means? How can we pay it to him? What he has done for all of us, we could never buy it even with the inheritance of the aunt Karlota of London. Is it time to reflect and put in the balance what is the most important thing in our lives the material richness or the richness of eternal life?     

I will say that 100% our eternal life is way better than anything. Then Christ Jesus is our true richness,  this is the most important thing that  we can have , it is the most beautiful gift  and inheritance that we could ever imagine , and not so much  the material things, we give thanks to God , who allows us to be millionaires in Him, with his love his Justice and mercy for all of us, so we are truly rich, it is here where we have our true richness in Christ Jesus,  in his Word, in his sacraments the Lord Supper, when we partake of the Lord Super we are eating his Body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins and eternal Life He is the one who strengthen us on the means of Grace confession and absolution, the Holy Baptism the Word and lord Supper. We really are infinite rich in Him. We are so bless that Christ has given us his Love and Mercy from the wrath of God, giving His Life in the Cross for all of us, and we can have that Heritage of Richness of Eternal Life in Heaven. 

So now we know where our richness in Jesus Christ Our Lord it is. Amen


May the peace of God surpasses all understanding keep your mind and Heart for the Life everlasting  Amen!!



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