Rev. Arturo Mendez

Advent Mid Week Dec 7 2022

Sermon Theme: The First Promise to Abraham

3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of

the earth shall be blessed.

A double stream of narrative runs through the first four books of the Pentateuch. One of these may be

called the Priestly narrative—the other, the Prophetical narrative. The text sets before us one of the

characteristic features of the Prophetical narrative—that consciousness of the ideal destiny of Israel

which developed afterwards into the definite hope commonly called Messianic. God Yahweh has already

made a promise to Abraham his chosen one, he was chosen not because he was a good person nor

much better than others, just by mercy he was chosen by God, because we need to remember that

because of the disobedience of our first parents Adam and Eve, original sin came into the world, and in

consequence of their disobedience we were co-heirs of original sin, so God makes a promise to

Abraham and it is here that we enter into this promise that God has made, through his genealogy all the

nations of the earth will be blessed. By the promised Messiah the Son of David Born in Bethlehem our

Savior Jesus Christ and all the earth by Faith will become part of that covenant as well.

God makes covenant promises to Abraham related to His seed. His First Born, Issac. Then God promised

him land, and  blessing, and the story of the patriarchs—Abraham, his son Isaac, and his son

Jacob—begins to unfold these promises. It traces the history of Abraham’s family from God’s initial call

(12:1) through the lives of his son Isaac, his grandson Jacob, and his twelve great-grandsons. Jacob’s son

Judah receives the most special blessings from Jacob at the end of his life (49:8–12). Woven through the

entire narrative are references to the land of Canaan, a place God promises to give to Abraham’s seed

(12:7) and in which he establishes a foothold (23:1–9) though—noticeably—not a permanent home. The

book ends with the seed, or descendants, of Abraham flourishing and multiplying greatly (47:27). Yet,

just as God had warned Abraham, they were sojourning in a land not their own (15:13), in the land of

Egypt (50:26). The book of Exodus will pick up the story of the promised seed where Genesis leaves off,

transitioning from the story of Abraham and his family to the story of the beginning of the nation of


Acts 3:25 You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant that God made with your fathers, saying

to Abraham, ‘And in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.’ All that has been said to

Moses and the Prophets so Here Luke give us a Certainty of what is coming to all of us, the privilege to

became a Sons, notice this great word Sons of the Covenant, that was made to Abrahams Seed. And to

that Seed Israel, can be called a Blessing to all nations, or families of the whole earth that Seed was the

Son of David the Messiah, The Christ who has to come to save the World and all the Nations of the

World can be part of that Blessing as well, that Promise to Abraham was indeed taking Place in a Little

Town called Bethlehem. Where the Savior was Born and we by Faith in Him alone as our Lord and Savior

and turning back from all our Sins, He’s redeeming Grace save us and He has already taking Place to the

Plan of Salvation that was promised to our First Parent Adam and Eve, to disobey God to not to eat of

the forbidden fruit, and because of that we became sinners as well all of us are co-heirs of that

Condemnation but because of that God the Father also make a Covenant that from his Seed He will

bless all the Nations, we are waiting for the Nativity of Jesus and that is our great Blessing we now have

Hope that The Son of David is going to Born on Bethlehem, and by Faith we also being Co-heirs of that

Promise make to Abraham it is His reedmen Grace that save us and make it His Sons the Children of

Israel and that Promise Land as well is Ours in Heaven we all are partakers of that covenant by Faith in

Christ the Son of David, Jesus our Lord and Savior.

Matthew 1:1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

One more time here in This Book The Gospel of Matthew assures us of the veracity of this gift bestowed

by the sublime grace bestowed upon God to His Creation, Matthew writes for Christian and non-

Christian Jews that Jesus is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament, and for all those who come to

read this gospel or are presented with this scripture the evidence of the genealogy of Christ, then let us

keep in mind the evidence and truthfulness that also the Gentiles and even unsaved may have the

benefit of the inheritance of the covenant created to Abraham, that through his seed the Son of David is

to be born of his inheritance and all nations will be blessed through faith in the Promised Messiah, Jesus

the Savior of the World so what a beautiful gift we have in that First Promise to our Fathers Adam and

Eve. After they disobey God, He was given to Us a Hope to be rescued from the wrath of God the Father.

Then was given to Abram that from His seed He will be a blessing to many Nations of the World as the

Sin enter into the World from the First Adam also de Salvation came into the World from the Second

Adam the Son of David. As we became co heirs of the Sin as well we became Co Heirs by Faith to Jesus

Christ the VERY Son of the Promise we have the opportunity of that Gift who Proceeds from the God the

Father to Abram and to Us. Be so Happy and Thankful because that covenant is to be Fulfill in Jesus

Christ that will be Born in an Manger that God the Father Sent His only Begotten Son to Fulfill the what

He has being Promise since the Beginning His Pan of Salvation is for all who had being believed in the

Promised Messiah you and I are Co Heirs of that Covenant by Faith we are the Sons of Israel the Children

of God by Faith in Him Alone and He has being Purchase by His Son Jesus by His sacrifice in The Cross by

paying our debt for all our unrighteousness, and be able to call us His Children of the Covenant what a

beautiful Gift we have in that Promise.

Luke 3:34 the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor,

23–38) And he himself Jesus, when beginning, was about thirty years old, being a son (as was supposed

of Joseph) of Heli, (a son) of Matthat … (a son) of Adam, (a son) of God.

Here Lukes Account tells us about the genealogy of Jesus, he tells us being a Son ( as was supposed of

Josheph, why he refers as Jesus like that, well the text doesn’t said to much about it. Like the other

Gospel of Matthew Linage of Jesus Christ who already reaffirm us about the Geanology of Jesus from

the seed of Aabraham. The Son of David. So also Joseph the Legal Father of Jesus according to the

Jewish Tradition Jesus was the Son of Joseph and Mary, some Theologians in the Interpretation of the

Gospel of St. Luke explain to us a little bit of this Account.

The debate as to whether Luke, like Matthew, furnishes a genealogy of Joseph or of Mary has led the

commentators to descend to the use of sarcastic language. It is going entirely too far when those who

argue that Luke gives a genealogy of Joseph deny Mary’s Davidic descent and thus make her the

daughter of a priest as we read in verse 1:36) and not “of David’s house” (see 1:27). How Luke could

think of appending a genealogy of Joseph after saying that Jesus was only supposed to be a son of

Joseph, i. e., a physical son, Luke himself having shown at length that this supposition was wrong, and

that Jesus was a physical son only of Mary so Luke Knows that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, so that

wahy he recalls as supposed to be a Son of Joseph. Here Luke is telling to us that by no Doubt the

Genealogy of Jesus proceeds from God the Creator of all Human Race. As we read earlier in verse 30

said of Heli a Son of Matthat .. a Son of Adam a Son of God. This is made clear that by no doubt of any

supposition Jesus was only a man without a Divinity that Proceeds form God the Father. Luke reaffirm to

us and all people that only through this linage of human ancestors was Jesus a son of God. So now we

see with certainty that Jesus Christ is the Son of God the Savior of all human kind that has been

promised to Adam in Genesis 3:15 and to Abraham seed. So In Jesus Christ we see the Fulfilment of this

Covenant that was made to them and we prepare ourselves to be ready with contrite heart and

repentance to be able to be partakers of that covenant that was made to Abraham and from his seed

God will bless all the Nations of the World so thanks be to God that He loves us so much, that He sent

his Only Begotten Son to the World to Fulfill His Promise and to save us from all our Sinfulness, so now

by Hearing the Word of God we can be partakers by Faith in the Son of David, The Son of God, His

Children and to be Co Heirs of the Promise Land of Heaven. So Thanks be to God and in His Son Jesus

Christ our Savior that he came into the World to give His Life in Ramson to everyone Who has being

Believed in Him as His Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ the Promise Seed of Abraham has being Born in

Bethlehem to be Our Savior, and Give us His Life to rescue us to God be the Glory in His Son Jesus Christ

our Lord Amen.

The peace of God that Surpasses all understanding keep you heart, mind and Soul to the Life everlasting


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