Jesus HIs Character Lent
Rev. Arturo Mendez
Sermon Text: Isaiah:11:2, Luke 2:52, Luke 4:18
Sermon Theme: Jesus His Character.
Isaiah:11:2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
What is the character of Jesus in his Divine Nature? first we will know that Jesus is the Promised Messiah, He is the Son of God, who comes to save the world, of Our sins. And to fulfill the Prophets, The prophet Isaiah was Prophecy the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the True King the Anointed one By God the Father as a True King of the whole World, this Characteristics that God has given to His Son Jesus are, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel and Might, Knowledge and fear to the Lord. God the Father has Anointed to His Son Jesus in the Baptism, the Heavens where open and a Voice form HEAVEN Said this is my beloved Son, John bore Witness about this the Spirit of the Lord descend from Heaven and rest upon Jesus, like a Dove (John 1:32-33) and there He Started His Ministry to the World, God the Father acknowledges Jesus Christ as His beloved Son, the Chosen one by God the Father to rescue the World of our Sins, and God the Father is Consecrated Jesus and Equipped Him for His great Work, with the Seven Spirits, the Spirit of Yahweh , in the Hebrew Word ( Ruach) means Spirit, “wind and breath”) and that Fullness of Spirit communicate the Divine Power of God, this seven Spirits are the ones who John is Talking of His Vision in Revelation (Rev 4:5, Rev: 5,6) it is the Full heart of God trough His Son Jesus Christ our Promised Messiah, Jesus Christ, is God, it is the One and Triune God, fulfilled in Jesus Christ. And God the Father by His Love to the Whole World, trough His Son Jesus Christ is given to Us by Faith in His Son Jesus, and to all believers is being given us as a gift by the Breath of His Word, that Gift of Faith, the Pneuma the Holy Spirit it is only by His Word that is Proclaimed to us, and that Faith came to us by hearing the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit produces Faith in Our Hearts, and in the waters of the Holy Baptism is given to Us as well the Gift of Faith, the Holy Spirit is on each of Us believers, Jesus Christ is our Counselor by His Mighty Word, that by His Word he is Given to us the Fear of the Lord. In Reverence to Him, and He Strengthen us by His means of Grace, the confession and absolution, the Holy Baptism, the Word, and His Sacraments of His Body and His Blood in the Lords Supper, the Holy Spirit is Upon in us as well as a Gift, from God the Father, and when that Spirit is Given to Us by Faith, He strengthen us to live lives of Faith, in our sanctification because He is Love, we should love, because He is Joy, we should live in joy, because He is Peace, we should live in peace and in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. Because the Holy Spirit live in us we should bear the Fruits of the Spirit.
Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature[a] and in favor with God and man.
We need to see first verse 40 of Luke, And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him. Jesus The Child Developed Healthy and Strong, and this is in accordance with the illustration of His Perfect Human Nature, Jesus Perfect Nature Fulfill for us the Law because our Sinful Human nature cannot fulfill it, we born in Sin and our tendency is always to disobey God Law, text puts before us as those in which our Lord’s earthly education, in which the advance and improvement of His earthly character, added to His youthful and childlike powers. (1) It speaks of His strength and character. It says “He waxed strong in spirit.” What strength is to the body, that strength of character is to the mind. (2) And the next thing which the text speaks of is wisdom. It says the Child was “filled with wisdom.” Wisdom, as it were, was poured into Him, and His mind opened wider and wider to take it in. He drank in whatever wisdom there was in the knowledge of those about Him; He drank in the heavenly wisdom also which comes down from the Fountain of all wisdom. (3) And the next thing is the grace or favor of God—or, as it says at the end of the chapter, the grace, or favor, of God and man;—the grace, the goodness, the graciousness of God, which calls forth grace and goodness and graciousness in man. This favor with God and Man is God and Man are in eternal Relation, because Jesus Christ create that relation to God the Father for Us in the Cross, we were separated from God because of Our Sins but Jesus Christ open that Relation in the Cross, by Giving His Life as a Paid of Our Debt of Sins. Is like brother without sister or brother; a son without a father or mother, so you cannot have a true conception of man without God. It lies in the very nature of the Father that He will not leave us, and it is in our structure that we cannot rest without our Father. Man had lost God. Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God’s mighty and age-filling effort to put Himself within the throbbing heart of humanity. I. This perfect correspondence between Jesus the Son and God the Father is the source of all true and enduring growth. Man getting into his true relationship to the father gets to the source of all life and progress. Apart from God true manhood is an impossibility. We must come into fellowship with Him, be partakers of His nature. That is the one and only garden in which the plants of righteousness can be grown. And it is only with the Communion that Proceeds from His Son Jesus Christ to all of Us believers, when we partake of the Lords Table we are in the Fellowship with God the Father, in that relationship that it is open for us by the perfect Sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ, a Perfect Man has to be without Sin, for the perfect sacrifice to us, Jesus Christ The Anointed one the Son of God, our Messiah, was born trough the holy Spirit without sin and he has open to us the favor of God in His Forgiveness, the wrath of God is no longer with us, thanks be to God for His Son Jesus.
We see how this prophecy of Isiah has been fulfilled in Christ when He was reading the Text in Nazareth in the Synagogue, the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, this Text has been Fulfilled in the Holy Baptism of the Lord descending visibly in Christ.( Luke 3:22, John 1:32) Note after His Baptism Jesus start His Ministry, Jesus Christ is the Anointed one of God the Father as it was in the Past the Kings and Prophets were anointed as well to start His ministry, He now was preaching in the cities of Galilee. Note that afterwards Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost” (John 20:22), and on the day of Pentecost, after His ascension, fulfilled His promise of another Comforter by baptizing the infant church with the Holy Ghost and fire. Jesus is our Promised “Messiah,” in Hebrew, and “Christ,” in Greek, means anointed: Jesus here claims to be, by the baptism and abiding of the Spirit upon Him, the Lord’s Anointed (Ps. 2:2; 45:7; Acts 4:27). To preach good tidings to (evangelize) the poor. Glad tidings to those in need, in sorrow,[1]this is the character of Jesus to fulfill what we cannot He came to the Captives of Spirit and give them good news of Salvation to the World, to give us sight when we were blind of Spirit, He takes us out of our blindness by His Holy Word and Gives Faith in His Word and sacraments, to those who are poor in the Spirit he give us his Holy Spirit as a Promise to be with Us in all times and all places to Strengthen Us, those who are sorrow and Morn, He Comforts with His Word and Spirit, Jesus word is Fulfilled in his human person, He came to give us His Life, that we can be able to have eternal life in Heaven, He has given us His Holy Spirit in the waters of the Holy Baptism, and the means of grace, confession and absolution, His Word, and the Lords Supper, He is our Promised Messiah, speaking by the prophets, and His promise to all of us that has being believe in Him is to send us as well the Holy Spirit the Counselor, to give us Faith, life and salvation, by the Word that is Proclaimed and faith in The savior of the World our Promised Messiah, Jesus the Christ, the son of God, the Anointed one. He came to the world To fulfill the Prophets and the Law of God four sake, thanks be to God the father for His Son Jesus, for His Life in the Cross Amen !
May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding keep your mind and soul to the life everlasting Amen!
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